Monday, January 2, 2012

Elitch Gardens

Oh hey, guess what? This is my first real post of the new year. Want to know the mind bender about it all? These photos were taken last year. Whoa. 

These photos are from my last day in Colorado. We went to the old Elitch Gardens theatre. This is the spot of an old amusement park that I used to go to when I was really young and now its an amazing neighborhood with a cute little shopping area and houses. After seeing how the neighborhood turned out, I'm pretty sure this is the place I want to live if I move back to Denver (well that is if I don't live in Boulder). 

While in Denver, I picked up this faux leather jacket and I haven't taken it off yet. Plus I scored these cheetah print flats on sale at Target for less that 10 dollars. Woot woot! 

But off to write my new years resolutions. Yes, I'm still writing them but if you haven't noticed we're still checking out photos from 2011 so I'm giving myself a get out of jail pass for this one.

Outfit Details:
Faux leather jacket: Target
Striped shirt: H&M
Knit hat: Urban Outfitters
Jeans: the GAP
Cheetah print flats: Target

1 comment:

  1. Those flats are lovely!! I've been looking for some myself, but nothing I see out at the stores really says ME...
